Campaign for Business
Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce has launched its Campaign for Business which highlights 5 key themes that represent key ‘asks’ of the business community and which, together, form a plan for growth.
The document, originally launched last year ahead of May’s Mayoral Election and July’s General Election, has been put together from the Chamber’s work and consultation with its members, the wider business community in GM and also its work on developing the GM Local Skills Improvement Plan (GM LSIP).
The themes cover major issues such as skills, trade, connectivity, net zero and wider business conditions.
Emma Holt, Chamber President, said: “Our Campaign for Business document is a great summary of the key issues facing businesses at present as well as setting out practical ways that these can be addressed. Whilst some of these can only, realistically, be resolved at a national level, many should now be able to be dealt with locally by the Mayor through the key elements of the new Integrated Settlement.”
“On skills we have used the evidence we have gathered from the GM LSIP and reiterate our support for the commitment to engage with businesses on making sure that their needs are recognised and met in a new skills system that gives as much focus to technical and vocational skills as academic subjects. The Chamber has great expertise on International Trade issues and businesses are needing greater support than ever so this forms our second major theme looking at how we can bring together the skills and support already in GM to focus on boosting trade opportunities.”
“We also look at the potential from new initiatives coming over the next year or so around the GM Investment Zone, Atom Valley and other growth areas and highlight ways that the benefits from innovation can be spread widely across all GM not just those areas and businesses nearest these activities.”
“This isn’t a static document and will change throughout the year to reflect current issues, progress and new challenges as they arise and we intend working closely with businesses to make sure that we reflect their views accurately to the key decision makers at a local or national level.”
Click here to read the Campaign for Business document.