Chamber Mediation

We know that unfortunately, disputes may arise in any business or organisation. Whether it's an unpaid invoice or a HR issue, settling the dispute fairly is what matters the most.

Our Chamber Mediation service is designed to help you settle disputes outside the courtroom, saving you cost and time - Chamber Mediation is currently delivered online, 100% virtually. We have partnered with Paul Johnson one of the UK’s leading mediators of Exchange Chambers to deliver this service.                       

What is Mediation?

Mediation is a flexible and confidential service which assists companies and individuals to come to a negotiated agreement, to resolve a dispute.

Both parties have ultimate control over the decision to settle and come to a resolution.

The mediator helps the parties focus on why the settlement should be considered and how it can be achieved.

More questions? Read our FAQs.

How does it work?

The parties involved in the dispute meet with Paul an accredited mediator online, who leads the discussions to discover what the issues are and what the ideal outcomes are for both sides.

During the negotiations, the parties have control over the decision and the terms of the agreement. The mediator will explore the dispute impartially, but the result remains in the hands of the parties.

The mediation sessions are currently held online. In the future, we can hold Mediation at the Chamber’s city centre offices, which are accredited by the Civil Mediation Councils, one of the parities offices, or Exchange Chambers once social distancing measures are significantly reduced .   

How will it help?                              

Mediation facilities clear communication, structure and ultimately helps to shape a solution to a dispute. The process gives independence to the parties involved, overcoming emotional obstacles while helping both parties understand each case, and coming to a mutual and fair agreement. 

The mediation success rate stands at more than 80%. In cases where decisions are not reached, the fact that in-depth discussions have already taken place can help further down the line.

Who is it for?

Mediation is suitable for Business to Business, Business to Employee and Business to Consumer disputes where both parties agree to the mediation.

For more information on this service please contact the Membership team on 0161 393 4321 or email