What is Mediation?

Disputes are an everyday occurrence for most businesses…

Mediation is a flexible and confidential service which assists companies and individuals to come to a negotiated agreement, to resolve a dispute.

Both parties have ultimate control over the decision to settle and come to a resolution.

The mediator helps the parties focus on why the settlement should be considered and how it can be achieved.

Why use Mediation?

  • Businesses are increasingly turning to mediation rather than going to Court and GM Chamber is keen to ensure businesses have a trusted support and mediation option available.

  • Mediation offers good value for money coming at a fraction of the cost of legal proceedings and offers confidentiality, which legal proceedings cannot.

  • The presence of a mediator offers a different dynamic to the negotiations, providing structure, overcoming emotional obstacles, reintroducing independence and trust for all parties.

  • The process provides time and space for constructive negotiations

  • Approaches the chances of settlement pragmatically and realistically and seeking approval for settlement proposal

What does Mediation entail?

  • Both parties agree to participate in Mediation and then to be facilitated by a qualified mediator.

  • Held either online, at a client’s offices, the mediator’s Chambers or GMCC, who can offer a neutral ground for the meetings and is a fully voluntary process.

  • Its format is a series of plenary and separate private meetings participated by all parties and a mediator.

  • The solution is not enforced on the parties present; it is decision of parties involved to come to a solution/agreement.

  • In short, it is a facilitated negotiation process.

Have lawyers been instructed?

  • Yes is the preferred answer

  • It always better for a party to be represented at a mediation

Does the other party have a lawyer?

  • Yes is the preferred answer

  • Again, it is always better for a party to be represented at a mediation

Does the other party also wish to mediate?

  • The preferred answer is yes

  • The decision to mediate and appoint me must be a consensual decision

  • It cannot be a unilateral decision

  • No one can be forced to mediate

How long will it last?

  • Usually a day – 10.00am to 6.00pm

  • Or a half day – 10.00am to 2.00pm

  • For half day mediation the charge is 60% of the full day fee plus expenses, VAT and any additional time

Is Mediation right for you? what can we support with?

These are the strands of the service which will be delivered by the Chamber and our trusted Mediator Partner Paul Johnson.

  • Business/ Business

  • Business/ Employee

  • Business/ Consumer

  • Any other queries such as domestic disputes - please don’t hesitate to get in touch as we can help refer you to the relevant service or mediator.

Who pays the Fee?

  • It is usually shared equally

  • The parties may agree otherwise

For more information on this service please contact the Membership team on 0161 393 4321 or email Benefits@gmchamber.co.uk