Today, every brand, institution, organisation and company has a social media presence. PR professionals and social media specialists update, post, monitor and manage campaigns via a plethora of platforms ranging from YouTube and TikTok to Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat and Facebook.
And when new platforms, such as Threads, BlueSky and Masterdon emerge brands rush to get a presence upon them.
Considerable resources, from people to money, and from time to ideas, are invested in the platforms to raise engagement, share of voice and profile.
But are you getting the best return for your investments? Are the platforms you are managing your social media presence on, the best ones for your brand, your audience and your messages?
As many marketing and comms managers across the country are saying: “I know social media is important and I know we have to invest resources to be effective. But what should we really expect from the various platforms? How much should we invest in terms of resources? And what platforms work best for a brand like us and what one’s are not that effective?”
Our webinar “Implementing a Social Media Audit” answers all those questions, ensures you get the best bang for your buck, highlights how to get the highest level of engagement and ensures that you never have to work under false impressions of follower numbers.
Over the hour we will cover:
- What a social media audit is.
- How to conduct one and considerations for undertaking a social media audit
- How to develop a social media audit template
- Important metrics to build your audit upon
- Tracing bots and culling rogue followers
- Establishing brand messaging with social media
- The strengths and weaknesses of each platform and how to use them to your brand’s advantage
- Deciding on which platforms are best for which audience and which content
- Linking your platforms into an overall digital strategy
- Evaluating social media platform performances