We love podcasts. More specifically, we love creating and developing great podcast ideas. Think of it in the same way as if you were building an extension to your home. You ask an architect to put together the design, and then you get a builder to make that plan a reality. Essentially, we're podcast architects, and by taking you through our unique concept development process, we’ll help you work out exactly how to make the best podcast possible, then point you in the direction of a world-class producer who can make it a reality. We do that because developing podcast concepts is the part we love most about this fantastic industry, and we have a proven track record of developing brilliant shows.


We offer three key services to clients:

1) Concept Development
We love working with organisations and individuals who’ve decided they want to make a podcast and are looking for help to work out exactly what sort of show they should make. We guide every client through the big decisions using our concept development process, including why they're making a show and who they’re making it for, the name, format and music they’re going to use, how they’re going to publish it and then promote it, and much more.

2) Existing podcasts audit
If you’ve got a show up and running and you'd like to find out how it could be improved, we can analyse what you’re doing and highlight how you can make it better. We’ll take a look at your existing concept, format, technical setup, promotion strategy, and much more. At the end of the process, we’ll give you a detailed report, then talk you through how to take the right next steps.

3) Long-term partnership
We can provide support throughout your podcast journey. Through regular meetings, we can be a sounding board and provide advice on everything you’re doing, to ensure all the elements of your podcast are running smoothly and in sync. This includes assistance on every aspect of your show, from episode planning, theme ideas, guest bookings and promotional strategies, to working with producers, editors and advertisers, and more. 


Find out more at www.dapdip.co.uk

Get in touch using contact@dapdip.co.uk