Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that Duncan Firth (pictured left) of Walker Sime has been appointed as the new Chair of the Property & Construction Group and Stewart Grant (pictured right)) of Grant Associates PDC is the new Vice-Chair.
Diane Elebert-Morgan, Property & Construction Group Manager at Greater Manchester Chamber, said: “I have Known Duncan and Stewart for a number of years now through the Chamber’s Property & Construction Group.
“I am looking forward to working closely with them both to deliver topical and informative events throughout 2022, and to continue our policy and campaign work to be the voice for our members regarding all construction sector matters.”
Duncan said: “It’s a massive honour to be appointed as Chair of Greater Manchester Chamber’s Property & Construction Group. I can’t wait to get stuck in, alongside Vice-Chair Stewart Grant, as we represent our members with passion, purpose and pace.
“As we regroup, recalibrate and ready ourselves to push on in these challenging-yet-exciting times for the sector, I’m looking forward to helping lead the Group’s future direction - especially considering our hugely privileged position of being able reach directly into local and central government to tackle the construction industry’s hottest issues.”
Stewart added: “I’m looking forward to working with Duncan, Diane and all involved at GM Chamber to make the Property & Construction Group even more relevant and focussed on our members’ needs.
“The sector we all work in has had its fair share of challenges in the last couple of years and it’s even more important now that collaboration and engagement are top of our agenda to share experience and best practice and make the most of the considerable opportunities ahead.”
The Chamber’s Property & Construction Group is made up of Greater Manchester business leaders and influential local people within the sector. They work together to look at the wider activity within property and construction and use it to inform the Chamber’s practices, research, campaigns and events.