Chamber Congratulates Mayor on Winning Third Term

Date: 08/05/2024
Author: Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce
Company: Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce

Greater Manchester Chamber has welcomed the re-election of Andy Burnham for his third term as Mayor of Greater Manchester. 

In the run-up to the Mayoral election, the Chamber launched its Campaign for Business document, which sets out what the business community wants the Mayor to prioritise. 

Chris Fletcher, Policy Director at the Chamber, said: “We would like to congratulate the Mayor on his re-election and we look forward to continuing to work with him representing the views of the business community as we enter a period of change and opportunity in GM. With the new devolution deal getting bedded in, a new mechanism for local funding starting next April and ongoing challenges around economic growth the 3rd term for the Mayor could be the most challenging yet.

“We know that skills will be a huge feature of the third term and this will build on the work we have been leading on with the Local Skills Improvement Plan, representing employers around what skills needs they have. Our Campaign for Business 2024 document, published before the election, sets out the key asks of the business community and we look forward to working with the mayor on making these a reality in the coming years.”

“Whilst the dust is settling on the local elections we are now beginning to look ahead to a General Election whenever the Prime Minister decides to call it.”

The Chamber’s Campaign for Business 2024 document can be accessed here.

Andy Burnham was the keynote speaker at Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce’s Property & Construction Summit on 17th May. The summit was one of the first opportunities for businesses to hear from the re-elected Mayor as he began his third term of office - read more here