Chamber Updates Campaign for Business

Date: 19/06/2024
Author: Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce
Company: Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce

Greater Manchester Chamber updated its Campaign for Business document in the run-up to the General Election. 

The update expands May’s Campaign for Business 2024 when the focus was solely on local issues. In addition to these there are now national level ‘asks’ representing what GM businesses expect from the new government.

The focus of the new government has to be on growth. During the election campaign neither of the main parties produced any plans that gave confidence that the average 1.1% growth since 2008 could be reversed and the UK could once again achieve the average growth of 2.8% seen in the preceding 50 years.

Whilst for the next four years the GM Mayor will have a new range of funding and powers at his disposal via the Trailblazer Devolution Deal it is equally important that, at a national level, the new government recognises the importance and impact that the GM economy has in the UK’s performance and how a strong and growing GM economy can impact on the national economy.

We have kept to our original 5 Campaign for Business 2024 themes. We have detailed a series of ‘asks’ that have been developed from our work with our members and other businesses and expertise on issues such as skills and trade alongside a range of other themes that impact on businesses in the city region.

Read the Campaign for Business update here.