In Conversation With Warran Bolton

Date: 10/07/2024
Author: Simon Cronin
Company: Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce

Warran Bolton, Managing Director of Invisu, and the Chamber’s Bolton President, talks to Simon Cronin about how his company is finding new markets abroad.

From Bolton to the World

Bolton tech company Invisu is enjoying success around the globe supporting manufacturers with its software solutions.

Invisu specialises in software which alerts operators to problems on production lines, avoiding the need for lengthy and expensive shutdowns. It provides software to a range of sectors, including manufacturing, engineering, food and beverages, textiles, aerospace and logistics. The company’s customers operate high-automated, high-volume operations.

Invisu aims to help prevent unplanned downtime and provide rapid intervention when needed. It allows customers to manage, monitor and maintain complex equipment through one user orientated system.

Warran Bolton, Managing Director of Invisu, says: “The cost of downtime across the world is huge - $22,000 per minute is lost when a production line stops for the average automotive manufacturer and $1.5 trillion is the downtime cost to industrial manufacturers globally, which is 11% of their turnover.

“Our software alerts them to a problem before the production line breaks down. It looks for patterns in the system, logging all the things that go wrong. It’s all there in one system. It can do the training and show people how to do the maintenance.

“We’re punching above our weight as we’re providing solutions for several household names who rely on our software to keep their production lines running smoothly. Size can be a concern for these larger companies, as we only have 16 members of staff, but we’ve proved to them that we can do the job.”

Global Success

Invisu is a shining example of how British companies can succeed in foreign markets and is now doing business in the USA, Canada and Singapore. In March, Warran and Invisu’s Technical Director, Steven Skolosdra, went to Singapore as part of a week-long visit with seven other UK companies after being selected by Innovate UK to be part of its Global Incubator Programme for Advanced Manufacturing Singapore. During the visit they gained valuable insight into the Singapore market and were able to pitch to local companies. The trip was such a success that a second visit to Singapore is scheduled for October. In January, Invisu staff visited Toronto for the second time as part of market visit with six other UK companies after being selected last year by Innovate UK to be part of its Global Incubator Programme for Advanced Manufacturing Canada.

Warran says: “These countries believe in free trade and they have a similar legal framework to ours. They also uphold Intellectual Property rights, which is very important. It can be harder to break into markets in some other countries as they’re not so open to foreign companies.

“The support is there to help British companies enter new markets. We’ve had support from Innovate UK, the Department for Business and Trade, the Chamber’s International Trade Team and the Business Growth Hub.

“The British High Commissions in these countries can also help you with things such as market intelligence. So the help is out there, but the biggest challenge is finding that help. My advice to anyone trying to enter a new market abroad is to do your homework and get help.”

Bolton Focus

Warran is a long-standing Chamber member and is now the Chamber’s Bolton President, working to support local businesses.

He adds: "I have been a Chamber member since the inception of our company and the Chamber has been an important part of our journey. The support and guidance, just when we need it, has been invaluable.

"In addition to support, we have also made many new contacts over the years, some of which have turned into great strategic partnerships. On a personal level some contacts have become friends.

“My role as Bolton President is to support Bolton businesses and therefore develop the Bolton and wider economy for the benefit of all.”

Visit for more information on Invisu.