A concerning development highlighted by Workplace Insight.

Date: 18/07/2024
Author: Chris Burn
Company: CSRB Limited

A concerning development highlighted by Workplace Insight. As we support several clients who develop, design, and integrate AI solutions into both the public and private sectors – we have always emphasised, as certified data protection practitioners, that ‘transparency’ leads to ‘credibility’.

There are so many easy ways, that not only enable organisations to be UK GDPR compliant, but also bring individuals on the journey with you. One of those is to update your Privacy Notice and ensure you let individuals know what you intend to do with their personal data – why are you collecting it, what are the benefits for all parties, how long will you store their data, and even give individuals a say on the journey you are looking to take them down. You will get instant buy-in and demonstrate the real value of your AI solution.

hashtag#FOI hashtag#dataprivacy hashtag#gdpr hashtag#dataprotection
