Aqua Design Group was started in Stockport by Dylan Moore in 2003 and he thought it was a good time for a brand refresh. As he’s helped a variety of his fellow small business from across the UK with their branding he thought it was about time he put his skills to use on his own small business branding.
Being that it’s been a while since the business has had a refresh, Dylan thought it was a good time to let the creativity flow and create a fluid new look for the business whilst keeping a familiar feel to the old brand.
As the business tag line is ‘fluid design for you’, he thought why not create a brand with a more liquid feel, with the use of a bubble and with water drops. The new logo also ties in with the existing brand by the use of colour.
Dylan Moore commented: “I’ve been wanting to utilise my branding more but in its current state it isn’t as flexible as I’d like it be”.
If your small business wants to have a chat with Aqua Design Group about their own branding and how best to utilise it, why not contact them at www.aquadesigngroup.co.uk