Business Leaders Benefit From Help to Grow Management Programme

Date: 28/08/2024
Author: University of Salford
Company: University of Salford

Catherine Whelan, Founder and CEO of Wellness and Beauty for All, is a University of Salford Help to Grow Management Programme alumna.

She said: “The Help to Grow programme was a surprise for me, because I didn’t even know support like this existed. It made me realise the gaps that I had in my knowledge and in my leadership. With the tools that Help to Grow has given me I can continue to build my business. For example, our marketing strategy has always relied on word-of-mouth in the past, but I am now equipped with the skills needed to expand this and grow our client base further.”

Dr Ann Mulhaney, Associate Professor at the Centre for Sustainable Innovation, said: "We are delighted to be able to offer the Help to Grow Management Programme here in Salford. It’s an opportunity not just to access specialist content and build a growth mindset for your business, but also a chance to connect with likeminded individuals. The five face-to-face sessions provide a fantastic opportunity for building connections with people from a whole range of different industries.”

For more information on the Help to Grow Management Programme, click here or email