Chaim awarded by University of Salford on his graduation as an Occupational Therapist

Date: 07/08/2024
Author: University of Salford
Company: University of Salford

Chaim Cutler has been awarded with a special honour by the University of Salford after graduating this summer in Occupational Therapy. He was singled out for special praise by teaching staff, who awarded him with the Student Achievement Award for his year.

Course leaders said: “Chaim’s academic achievement is outstanding, but he also demonstrates a lovely way of applying his theoretical knowledge in practice on placement. He will make an excellent Occupational Therapist.”

Chaim was thrilled with the Award and has spoken fondly of his time at University of Salford, and how staff supported him in his faith as well as in his studies.

“I chose the university of Salford due to it being one of the largest educational facilities for allied health professionals in the UK. The university also has close industry links with the NHS, and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA).”

He said that the varied teaching at OT course at Salford really helped him: “Having a mix of academic and practical assignments, played to my strengths, as well as nurtured my academic weaknesses. Throughout my course I was required to complete 1000 hours of placement in a variety of different settings. This too, was indispensable in giving me the practical and professional experience required for clinical practice.”

He was also complimentary about the emotional and faith support he received: “Speaking from personal experience its key to prioritise your mental health above all other pursuits. The university of Salford exemplified this in an exceptional way. As an observant Jew I felt very supported throughout my three-year course. The occupational therapy faculty were particularly understanding of my faith, and how to accommodate my placements with these considerations in mind. I feel incredibly grateful for the care and sensitivity I received from my course leaders, and the university in general.”

Chaim said he wouldn’t change anything about his degree experience. “My time at University of Salford was a transformational experience. Yes, it had its peaks and troughs like all growth minded experiences, nevertheless, I wouldn’t change it for the world. I made lifelong connections and saw myself grow both academically and personally.”

Chaim has now moved back to London and starts his first job as a fully qualified OT in September.

Full details of all courses still available at University of Salford are available here.