Clearing the way to a career in tech

Date: 14/08/2024
Author: University of Salford
Company: University of Salford

In the summer of 2022, Jenna Jade Dempster had been considering what was next for her. After spending almost three years working for Cancer Research UK, after finishing her A-Levels and doing one term at university, she decided it was time to go back to continue her studies with the hope of furthering her career. One month before starting her degree, she applied to the University of Salford through Clearing.

Now, two years after enrolling onto Salford Business School’s BSc Business Management with Innovation and Technology programme, Jenna hasn’t looked back. Fresh off the back of a semester studying abroad in British Columbia, Canada and a cultural immersion trip to Vietnam earlier this summer, Jenna has been given invaluable opportunities to travel, experience new and exciting cultures, learn new skills and build a network amongst some of the biggest companies in tech. But, above all, she’s amongst the top performing students in her class.

Jenna, who is originally from Oxfordshire, is keen to pursue a career in the technology sector. On applying to the University through Clearing and the opportunities she’s had access to, she comments: “I applied to university though Clearing after deciding to go back only a month prior. This was an immense challenge as I had to decide what course to do and figure out where I would live in a short space of time. While it can be a stressful time, I knew everything would work out and the University was great at being reassuring throughout the whole process.

“From the opportunities I’ve had to study abroad and immerse myself into new and exciting cultures, to having access to the careers service and being able to visit leading companies like IBM to grow my network, coming back to University at Salford really has benefited my personal growth.”

Clearing supports a range of students to pursue continued study into higher education, namely those who changed their mind about which university they wanted to go to, those who got their results last year and now want to study, and those who didn’t get the grades they expected, including students who did better than anticipated.

In 2023, UCAS announced a record 38,140 of UK 18-year-olds secured a place at university or college through Clearing. The figures indicate growing numbers of students that have been placed at their firm choice are using Clearing to secure a new choice or university. In fact, 60% of students placed through Clearing considered it as an option before August, and 91% who went through Clearing were confident they’d made the right decision for them.

Dr Maria Kutar, Director of Undergraduate Business at Salford Business School, adds: “There’s a common misconception that Clearing is only for prospective students who didn’t get the grades they needed for their chosen course, but that’s really not the case. Clearing has been instrumental for students like Jenna, who decide to pause on their studies to work, travel or pursue other opportunities.

“Just two years after applying to the University via Clearing, Jenna is thriving in her studies, she’s experienced new and exciting countries she may not have had the chance to previously and, first and foremost, she’s well on her way to pursuing the career in tech she’d set out to do.”

The BSc Business Management with Innovation and Technology programme at Salford Business School explores how future managers can capitalise on opportunities with the technologies disrupting the world, to lead the businesses of tomorrow. The industry-informed undergraduate degree combines practice-based use of digital tools with a challenging academic curriculum, bringing together modules from IT, computing and management degrees. 

Jenna concluded: “My time at Salford, from both studying and joining a society, has greatly improved my confidence, decision-making skills and resilience. The support I have received from the University, as well as from my family, has allowed me to push through any challenges I have faced.”

This September, Jenna will commence her final year at the University of Salford, before graduating in summer 2025, when she has decided to travel before continuing her studies with a masters.

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