Make completing your Self Assessment tax return fun!

Date: 29/08/2024
Author: GoSimpleTax
Company: GoSimpleTax

OK, admittedly, fun is a bit of a stretch. And probably the only sense of enjoyment you’ll get is when you’ve actually filed your Self Assessment tax return and it’s off your plate for another year. However, there are things you can do to make completing your Self Assessment tax return much less boring and painful.


It’s a familiar story. Like many others, you dislike having to do your Self Assessment tax return, so you put it off. January arrives and it brings a sudden sense of urgency, because the online filing deadline is at the end of the month. You continue to put it off, just a little bit more and suddenly the online-filing deadline is just weeks or days away. You panic. Why have you left it so late? Who needs the pressure?

Need to know! >> You can file your Self Assessment tax return any time after the UK tax year ends on 5 April. This will make your Decembers and Januarys far better, because you’ll get peace of mind from knowing that you filed your tax return months ago. You’ll know how much tax you’ll owe (so you can budget for payment) and whether you’re due a tax refund. Pressure? What pressure?

Did you know? >> Each year, almost 300,000 “early birds” file their tax return in the week following the start of the next tax year on 6 April (source: HMRC).  


You need to concentrate when you’re completing your Self Assessment tax return, because mistakes can cost you time and money. That’s more of a challenge if you’re feeling tired, so don't do your tax return late at night. Mistakes are more likely and it will take you longer if tiredness affects your concentration. Complete your tax return during the day, when you’re less fatigued. Set aside enough time and try to do it in one sitting.

Need to know! >> Lack of sleep lowers our alertness and ability to concentrate. It's more difficult to focus and pay attention, which hampers our ability to perform tasks that require logical reasoning or complex thought.

Did you know? >> More than a third (35%) of people in the UK get seven hours sleep a night (the most common average), while 22% get six hours and 13% get fewer. Only 5% get nine hours’ sleep or more (source: YouGov).


You need to be somewhere you won’t be distracted, so you can focus fully on the task in hand. The more you’re distracted, the longer it will take. If you can find a room at home where you won’t be disturbed, fine. Otherwise you’ll need somewhere else with decent WiFi connection, possibly a local coffee shop or workspace. Weather permitting, you could do it outdoors.

Need to know! >> If you’re going to complete your tax return at home, be mindful of the main domestic distractions. These include family (especially kids), external noise (eg traffic), TV, smart speaker, household chores, pets, email, phone and smartphone. Social media has, of course, become a major distraction. Remove yourself from all distractions as much as possible.  

Did you know? >> The UK has 57m social media users, who spend an average of two hours a day on social platforms (source: WeAreSocial). Keeping in touch with friends and family is the most popular reason social media users give for using social platforms (53%), followed by filling spare time (37%) and reading news (27%).


While some would never think of doing it because it distracts them, others are perfectly happy to play music in the background when working. In fact, music is believed to enhance our mood, reduce our stress and boost our productivity.

Did you know? >>  Research suggests that classical music works best for increasing concentration. The theory is, because most classical music doesn’t feature lyrics, it’s less distracting if you’re trying to stay focused on your work (source: PPL PRS).


Nope, not a cheeky G&T or glass of vino, however tempting when you want to numb the pain of having to complete your tax return. Alcohol impacts our ability to concentrate, of course. There’s no better drink than water and being properly hydrated aids our concentration. About six to eight glasses a day is recommended (more when the weather is warmer). Hot drinks such as tea and coffee can also boost our alertness, but moderation is advised (no more than four cups a day). Herbal teas are less harmful, while also providing health and mood-boosting benefits.  

Did you know? >> A cup of tea has about half the stimulant caffeine (40mgs) of a standard cup of brewed filter coffee (80 to 115 mgs). According to the BBC: “When you dose up on tea made to the equivalent strength as coffee, it actually proves to be more effective at sharpening the mind”.  


Not having all of the necessary information to hand when completing your Self Assessment tax return is frustrating. It also means it takes you much longer to do your tax return, because you’re having to spend time researching the figures you need. Having all of your figures nicely summarised in accounting software saves lots of time.

Need to know! >> To complete your Self Assessment tax return you’ll need:

  • Your ten-digit Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR).
  • Your National Insurance number.
  • Details of your taxable income from the tax year, including self-employment, dividends, interest, pensions, rental income, capital gains, etc.
  • Records of tax expenses relating to self-employment, rental income, etc.
  • Any contributions to charity or pensions for which you may be able to claim tax relief.
  • P60 showing employed income you’ve already paid tax on.

Did you know? >> There are some 3.1m sole traders in the UK, which is 56% of the total UK business population (source: GOV.UK). There are 2.82 million landlords, with 68% over the age of 55 (source: Uswitch).   


Using commercial software really can take the pain out of completing your Self Assessment tax return. It makes things much easier and quicker, while preventing simple mistakes, such as not completing necessary supplementary tax return pages. Tax return filing software can also ensure that you claim all of your tax allowances and reliefs, which maximises your post-tax income.

Need to know! >> When using filing software, you specify the taxable income you receive and the software loads up the necessary supplementary pages. You’re guided through sections of the tax return that you need to complete, while automatic prompts ensure that you put the necessary information in the right places.

Did you know? >> market-leading tax return-filing software can cost as little as £5 a month. 


Go on, you deserve it. You’re likely to feel fantastic knowing that your Self Assessment tax return is correctly filled in and filed, long before the online filing deadline (midnight 31 January). Maybe now you can go and treat yourself to that cheeky G&T, glass of vino, caramel latte or mint tea, safe in the knowledge that your Self Assessment tax return is done and dusted for another year.

About GoSimpleTax

Income, Expenses and tax submission all in one.

GoSimpleTax will provide you with tips that could save you money on allowances and expenses you might have missed.

The software submits directly to HMRC and is the solution for freelancers, the self-employed, sole traders and anyone with income outside of PAYE to file their self-assessment giving hints and tips on savings along the way.

Get started with GoSimpleTax today, it’s free to try!