Date: 28/05/2024
Author: Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce
Company: Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce

With less than 100 days to go to the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games, thousands of athletes, media representatives and suppliers are preparing their trip to France this summer.  

The ATA Carnet is a vital tool for you to use to take broadcasting, sports and other professional equipment across borders – for use at the Games 

Every year, 200,000 ATA Carnets are issued, allowing goods worth $28 billion to pass through customs checkpoints – duty free and tax free for up to one year.  

Through one globally unified customs document, You, too, can race through customs in 80+ countries and territories.

If you’re taking goods into France temporarily for the Olympic Games, you’ll need to follow specific procedures. Using an ATA Carnet for Temporary admission for your goods allows you to import goods without paying customs duties or taxes, provided they will be re-exported after the event. 

The Paris 2024 Customs and Freight Guide is a valuable resource for anyone involved in the Olympic and Paralympic Games. It provides comprehensive information on customs regulations and procedures for importing and exporting goods during the event, including the ATA Carnet. 

Need help with ATA Carnets? 

  • Our expert team can help you with your application, click here for more information or contact us at exportdocs@gmchamber.co.uk and 0161 393 4314 
  • Need help completing an application? Contact our team and book a 121 session. Members get preferential rates or check any of our upcoming Step by Step workshops here